
Uffie feat. Pharell Williams - ADD SUV videodrop

The official video for the lead single off Uffie's debut album Sex Dreams and Denim Jeans dropped and man is it coolbeans:

It's hard to believe this is Uffie's first album, after being a mainstay of underground electro music for years. Chances are youve heard of her, heard a song by her, or been sent a link to 'Pop the Glock' or 'Tthhee Ppaarrttyy' from a musically-inclined friend you trust.

She's a an example of someone who's music and lifestyle attract their own kind of attention. She moved to Paris when she was 18; born in Florida, grew up in Hong Kong. Scanning her wikipedia page leaves more questions than answers. And she's only 22. And she has a kid.

It all begs the question, who is this Uffie chick?

Her success only adds to her mystique. I mean who wouldn't want to be her, or at least be her for a day. Every google-able picture of Uffie is like a piece to a never-ending puzzle. This aint your Grandma's jigsaw.

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