Talking about her new upcoming album, Lady Gaga confessed that for the past three years she's been baking cakes:
I think I'm gonna get the album title tattooed on me and put out the photo. I've been working on it for months now, and I feel very strongly that it's finished right now. It came so quickly.
Some artists take years; I don't. I write music every day. Why are we still talking about 'Don't ask, don't tell?' It's like, what f—king year is it? It makes me crazy! And I have been for three years baking cakes—and now I'm going to bake a cake that has a bitter jelly.
The message of the new music is now more bitter than it was before. Because the sweeter the cake, the more bitter the jelly can be.
First of all, I dont know about you guys, but most of the cakes I eat dont have jelly in them. When I think of jelly, I think donuts. So if she's been baking donuts at her local Tim Horton's for the past three years and is now gonna throw some salt or cigarette butts into the jelly mix, that would make sense. Otherwise, Gaga please know your desserts.
I'm just kidding, I love this bitch. She can do no wrong. She is so strong and I absolutely love her for standing up for the gays without shying away from the usual "maybe if I say something gay-positive, people somewhere will hate me."
Thank god for you Lady Gaga, there is definitely a special place reserved in heaven for ya.. along with Cyndi Lauper. Omg, could you imagine! Fiercest heaven party!
This is pretty exciting- that her new album is gonna be political. What she says about 'Dont Ask, Dont Tell' is the most bang-on comment about the subject I've heard from an American citizen in the past year. Seriously, why are 'we' still talking about it?
Thanks Gaga for pointing us monster-folk in the right direction. I know she likes to make sandwiches (**clap, clap, arrgh bite**) but I for one, cannot wait to try one of her cakes.