
California Gurls - Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg (MSTRKRFT Remix)

Holy crapnuggets!

MSTRKRFT may have succeeded in making a catchy song-- Katy Perry's "California Gurls"-- even catchier. The Toronto electro-remix genii put their signature synth spin on the current #1 song.

The perfect time for a remix if you ask me, and it's good to have MSTRKRFT back in the mixing bowl doing what they do best.

But 'Gurls?' Seriously?

Come on Katy, I know it's all "fun and hip" to spell things wrong but you have to think about your tween-age audience. Dont lead them astray in the world of grammar; it starts early. Pretty soon theyll be spelling words like "boiz," "wurd" and your name like "Katee."

I wanna meet the marketing genius who came up with the idea of spelling it wrong. I can just imagine some hip twenty-something wearing yellow Kanye glasses in a boardroom somewhere extolling the benefits of spelling shit wrong: "and if we spell it with a 'U,' we can increase our profit margins by 15%" or something like that..

Thanks annoying marketing guy who's getting paid more than me. Thanks.

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