
"Tiny Furniture"

i want to see this buh-addddddly. it looks so fresh and honest. plus, it's like the kind of film that is based off real life and real things that people go through. not like the whole, 'omg the earth is exploding, we need to go put this star piece back in its holder in the sun before the manatees become mana-lunch!' kind of crap.

i also like that it's like about what's pretty much going on with me. AND the writer/director Lena Dunham used her real life sister and mother as actors, which is just downright awesome. that's how an artistic family support each other: they act in their coming-of-age indie film.

plus, it looks really funny.

the BEST two lines in the trailer are the first one and the last one:

"i fee like this outfit just screams like 'i've been living in Ohio for four years, take me back to your gross apartment and have sex with me." BAHAHAHAHHAHA! gee-nee-oose!

"- Do you like living here?"
- That is such a ridiculous question; I LOVE living here."

honourable mention goes to the felicity line.

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