
Willow Smith wears golden chains around her neck cuz she's a scientologist

who does this bitch think she is? just cuz your dad's Will Smith doesnt mean you can walk around like you fucking own the place.

go fuck yourself.

omg i listened to the first 7 seconds of this song and then had to shut it off. the opening lyrics are "i wear my hair back and forth" again and again, which i could only listen to a couple of times before the industry-produced, 'starting your spawn off young', 'look-at-me-i'm-so-cool-cuz-i-have-a-hip-haircut-even-though-i'm-only-like-fucking-7' shit started to make my eyeballs bleed.

i jus'wanna smack those stupid sunglasses off your stupid face.

3 million views in a week?! o.m.g. i. cannot. even. deal.

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